Go to our blog here https://unsermuehlbach.at/neuigkeiten/
Initiatives, projects, recreational and learning opportunities, further Possibilities
What is enumerated below is in various stages of development.
There are even more projects planned, but that would really go beyond the scope.
An Long-term project with a large variety of subprojects has started in the fall of 2021:
> Geoculture Hermagor
Actions and petitions
Signature collection on site for the Millstream, contact Ulrike Maturana Dorado (Domainko), Citizens' Initiative, Hermagor
Online petition for the Mühlbach expired, see new petition
New online petition for the millstream, running
The Schützenpark, a resident signature campaign, started at the end of March 2021, wishes of the public for the design of the shooting park, contact: Helmut Wurian
There was another small idyllic park, the Peace Park. Until April 2021. At the bottom of this page two photos of how it looked rather it was divided (according to media reports) among three owners because the municipality did not want to buy it.
Experience, meeting and recreation areas for children and young people in and around Hermagor, commitment, contact: Bernhard Gitschtaler
Reason: There are no more meeting spaces for children and young people in the whole of Hermagor. No real children's playground, no skate park, there is simply nothing left for young people in the town area. Picture: So looks at present the playground of the city Hermagor, for a city truly no Renommé. Child friendliness looks probably a bisserl differently. But what is not, can still become.
The Gailtal Academy Santonino also published a Impulse papers ("Youth is Future") as a contribution to a comprehensive youth concept and its hopefully speedy implementation.
History and memories
The Hermagor Mühlbach, from a historical perspective (Documentation, research Gia Simetzberger)
Historical guided tours in Hermagor, Bernhard Gitschtaler
Waters once and now, Research (Gailtal Academy Santonino)
An Search for traces is made by the Gailtaler Kulturnetzwerk and becomes the Literature project expanded realized. The executor is the Gailtal Academy Santonino:
Myths and incidents - once and now (start spring 2022), contributions welcome
Contact: Lygia Simetzberger collaboration at a1.net
Keyword: myths
Guided herbal educational hikes, Ulrike Maturana Domainko, Hermagor
Historical guided tours in Hermagor, Bernhard Gitschtaler
New projects and opportunities
See also here: https://unsermuehlbach.at/kulturprojekte/ideen-konzepte-projekte/
Cultural presentation
Culture table at the farmer's market, possibility of presenting art and cultural projects at the Hermagor farmers' market (contact: Wulfenia Art Club and City marketing Hermagor, Farmer's Market Organizer: Martinzenbauer), Participations and coordinator desired - was suggested, more is up to the region's cultural activists (individually).
Better still would be to use the Hermagor main square / town hall square car-free and for "open stage" and other cultural events to the citizens, especially the youth, to make available. This also includes a kiosk or a pavilion with technical requirements.
Readings and storytelling in Schützenpark (in good weather, in bad weather alternative location or rescheduling), ideally in the warm season once a week
Cultural surprises - Surprise events
Image projections in the city center
An Art and culture project for the revitalization of Hermagor's city center, cooperation with Hermagor city marketing, information Inge Lasser, Gia Simetzberger, participation and technical support desired. was first implemented as an art slide show "Messages to the millstream" - Imitation or continuation and further development desired!
Water, bodies of water
Hermagor, city of water, Water theme variety, a keyword concept, implementation desired (Gia Simetzberger)
Water project for Hermagor's schools and kindergartens, a concept, implementation desired (Gia Simetzberger)
Legends, myths, places of power Publication, basis for new cultural and nature projects (Gailtal Academy Santonino), participation desired
Electricity, power generation
- The Mühlbach as an energy showcase, a project idea by Franz Wiedenig, Hermagor
- Show power station old Domainko power stationa possibility that is being considered with Water Energy Experience for children, pupils at the show power station (Our Mühlbach)
Man and nature in harmony, Working title for a planned, already decided interdisciplinary long-term project (Gudrun Kargl, area of geoculture, in cooperation with the Gailtal Academy Santonino and artists)
Land and Water Art Symposium, according to an older concept, concept still available, Gia Simetzberger
Messages of water, an artistic film project of the Simetzberger art family, preliminary work was done years ago
Cultural paths, cultural places, power places
Art hiking trails, legend hiking trail, story hiking trail, contemplation trail, poetry hiking trail... just project ideas (Gia Simetzberger)
A literature square in Hermagor, readings at the literature square, readings in the Schützenpark (Sieglinde Jank-Arrich, Hermagor) - is being implemented
Locating and re-establishing places of power, a collective project that Gailtal Academy Santonino is in charge
Existing art and nature projects
A lot of great things have already been done in and around Hermagor and should get more attention. Projects that have fallen asleep should, as best as possible, be awakened from their slumber.
Gailtaler dowsing rod hiking trail Obervellach - Radnig - Hermagor, Creator Peter Bachmann, Obervellach near Hermagor
Nature trail Radnig, Initiator und Verwirklicher Kurt Grollitsch, Radnig near Hermagor
Karnischer Schmuggelweg – es gibt keine Wegmarkierungen, wohl aber eine Beschreibung der Pfade, die als Wanderwege begangen werden können. Basiert auf einer wahren Begebenheit, die von Sieglinde Jank-Arrich in ihrem Buch „Der Karnische Schmuggelbär“ erzählt wurde.
Gold seat stones and Wander Gold Stone, a land art project by Johannes Angerbauer-Goldhoff, UPPER AUSTRIA
Gailtal Art Symposium, Rattendorf, upper Gailtal, Manfred Schluder (Chairman), Kurt Grollitsch (Deputy Chairman)
Ingeborg Bachmann Memorial Stone, Obervellach bei Hermagor, Initiatorin Inge Lasser, Sculptor Herbert Unterberger – 2019 Einweihung, weitere Ingeborg-Bachmann-Gedenkplätze in Planung
Zu diesem Wettbewerb des Landes Kärnten, Schwerpunkt Karnische Region wurde einige Kulturkonzepte eingereicht. Wenn etwas Zeit bleibt, werden wir hier berichten.
Zur Webseite der Innovations-Plattform geht es hier: https://ideen4kaernten.at/
Lebens(t)raum Karnische Region https://ideen4kaernten.at/ideenwettbewerbe/lebenstraum-karnische-region/
Lebens(t)raum Karnische Region
Ja, noch weitere Projekte sind angedacht und im Werden, doch das soll noch reifen wie die saat unter der Erde….
This was the Peace Park in Hermagor.
It is all the more important to save in Hermagor what can still be saved from disappearing.

Vielfalt, DigiArtMix by Gia Simetzberger