An initiative of the Hermagor artists' association
The Hermagorer Mühlbach has been carrying less and less water in recent years and has dried up altogether since 2020.
An Citizens' Initiative has been campaigning for the preservation of the Mühlbach since 2016. The facts are on the page of the citizens' initiative Save the Mühlbach in Hermagor documented.There's a Online petition this citizens' initiative with the wish to restore the Hermagorer Mühlbach and to preserve this jewel for future generations.
The Hermagor artists decided to set a sign and asked artists and cultural workers to send messages to the Mühlbach and at the same time organize the art action PRO MÜHLBACH in Hermagor at the Mühlbach, which will start on 25 June 2021 with an evening vernissage with music and performance.
Dual art action for the Mühlbach 2021
Messages to the Mühlbach
These digital messages from near and far come from nature-loving artists and cultural workers who want the Hermagor Mühlbach to flow again.
She is known as Online gallery with a separate page dedicated to each contribution.
Messages to the Mühlbach
All contributions that have reached us by 30 May 2021 are available in an abridged version as
Slideshow "Messages to the Mühlbach".
to be seen, namely
- in Hermagor's city centre from the beginning of June to mid-July 2021 in some premises and
- on this website, also in musically accompanied versions
This Slideshow lief in der Hermagorer Innenstadt
- at Markus Wagenhofer, Hauptstraße 20, in the shop window of his gallery
- in the house Pilz, Schützenparkgasse 3, opposite the Schützenpark
- at the Kärntner Sparkasse
- bei der Raiffeisen Bezirksbank
Below you can see the web variant Slideshow in the player (with background music).
Here nor a leisurely, musically underscored version. Here the versioin that will be shown before and during the local PRO MÜHLBACH event; that is, from now until about mid-July 2021.
In Hermagor fand im Juni und Juli 2021 eine collective artistic event unter diesem Namen statt. Namhafte Kärntner Künstler beteiligten sich. Es wurden Object art and Land Art Objects shown.
Organisationsteam: Herbert Unterberger, Engelbert Obernosterer, Inge Lasser
Artistic direction: Inge Lasser, Obervellach near Hermagor.
The Vernissage
took place on Friday, June 25, 2021, beginning at 6:00 p.m., at the Schützenpark in Hermagor, is taking place.
Sie wurde mit literarischen Worten und M;usik umrahmt und hatte teilweise auch performanceartigen Charakter.
The motives
Beide Aktionen sind als Reaktion auf den untragbaren, nun schon viele Jahre dauernden Zustand zu verstehen, über den in der Region Fassungslosigkeit herrscht. Seit einem Jahr ist das Bachbett völlig ausgetrocknet.
For centuries the Hermagor Mühlbach has been the secret Hermagors landmark. The inhabitants of Hermagor call it a jewel, indeed they consider it the soul of the village. Until recently, no one in the village could have imagined that it would one day have no water.
Nach dem Informationsstand Juni 2021 wird nun auf Beamtenebene (Land und Gemeinde) an einer konkreten Lösung gearbeitet. Der Mühlbach soll wieder rinnen, da sind sich Land und Gemeinde auch sicher, es geht also im Grunde genommen nur mehr um das Ob, sondern um das Wann für unseren geliebten Mühlbach. (Jänner 2022: Es gibt nichts Neues.)
"Merrily we sail through the night (K.N. 12)," a musical offering to the millstream by MIHA
MIHA's message to the millstream
The language of art
With their lyrics, songs, photographs, videos and other works, the artists in the Messages to the Mühlbach their Connectedness to nature off.
They sit down apolitically for the preservation of this treasure on.
There is a clear dividing line between the actionism of the citizens' initiative and the two art actions. In the latter, the focus is on artistic expression and the relationship with nature.
Water always finds its way.
Hans Egger, Hermagor
Water vortex in the Hermagorer Mühlbach, 2007

GIF by Gia Simetzberger