Art action Pro Mühlbach 2021 in the Schützenpark
The historical Rifleman's Park, formerly Emperor Franz Joseph Park, is located in the upper market and lies between Gössering and Mühlbach. Since the end of the Peace Park in spring 2021, the small park is the only public green oasis in the city of Hermagor. Since numerous citizens are concerned about the planned redesign of the park, the Citizens' Initiative Save the Mühlbach by resolution dated April 25, 2021, also of Schützenpark.
Talking brings people together, as we like to say. Conversations take place among residents, with city dwellers, with passers-by, with our municipal representatives, decision-makers, planners, designers, biologists, teachers, students, beekeepers, fishermen.
The direct route, of course, leads to the municipality. It is desirable that many citizens inform themselves. We will have to live with the result of the planned redesign and therefore it is important to show interest in time. Trust is good, participation is better - and according to EU guidelines for regional regeneration even wanted.