"Mühlbach Ambassadors", as of April 12, 2021
Johannes Angerbauer-Goldhoff (picture), Barbara Essl, Hans Egger (picture), Peter Ian Espino Capocao (text, picture, poem), Anni Fortunat, Hermann Fritz (text, song), Gailtaler Literaturkreis, Horst Giertzuch, Ludwig Haas, Silvia Hashold, llse Hirschmann, Sieglinde Jank (poem), Gudrun Kargl (text, picture), Friedrich Kohaut (text, picture), Werner Eugen Lardy (text, composition), Inge Lasser, Ulrike Maturana Dorado, Engelbert Obernosterer, Christin Breuil Pala (text, picture), Jakob Koby Pernull (poem, video), Gia Simetzberger (text, picture), Herbert Unterberger, Markus Wagenhofer, Hubert Waldner (text)
The latest blogpost (blogtext #6) on the messages page. These artists are linked here. As you would expect, there is a lot of diversity. The online gallery for the Mühlbach is still growing (work in progress).
Friedenspark and Schützenpark
As reported by the media (for example here https://kaernten.orf.at/stories/3098616), the private peace park in Hermagor, which became less and less from year to year, will now finally make way for a construction project. The trees have been felled, the playground equipment dismantled. Thus the last children's playground in the local area has disappeared.
Now only the public Schützenpark remains as the last public green and recreational oasis. This too dwindled more and more. Once neat and tidy, it is now almost nothing more than a primitive lock for pedestrians and cyclists, a sad reflection of itself. And now a piece of it threatens to be misappropriated as a concrete arena.
In the Glsseirnggraben is a somewhat half-hearted playground or children's playground. After all. Well, you might think, back to nature, because in the old days we kids used to meet in the street and play in meadows and woods and especially loved to play by the waters. Maybe that's intentional? Only, back then, every house had a big crowd of kids, and today it's gone quiet.
Natural sites and imbalances
In view of this successive destruction of the last local recreation areas in and around Hermagor and the last bit of romanticism, the call for a "green" overall concept for Hermagor is becoming louder and louder. Artists, botanists, energetics, hikers and geomancy experts are now forming a self-help group and going in search of clues. What has been destroyed, what is still in danger of being destroyed, where have imbalances arisen? A project to this end is currently being developed. Organizationally, the Gailtal Academy Santonino available. We will report more about this project in May.