Art & Culture

What is meant is art and culture around the Mühlbach.

At the beginning of the year 2021, a dual Art action for the Mühlbach started.

Messages to the Mühlbach", digital art action, work in progress, contact: Gia Simetzberger, Hermagor | Kukmirn

Pro Mühlbach" (in preparation), local art action, contact: Inge Lasser, Hermagor

Initiator of the art action is the Artists of Hermagorrepresented by the Wulfenia Art Club (Art and Culture Network Wulfenia).

wulfenia art club

Artistic activities around the Hermagor Mühlbach before 2021 there was a great number and variety.

Here they are carried together as best they could be recorded.


Solidarity for the traditional, life-giving Mühlbach!